table of contents



(refer to Rosen, Kenneth H., 2018 chapter 6 counting) some examples:


possible methods of counting


a walk through combinatorics seems to be recommended everywhere on the web (from what ive seen)

some combinatorics from college

combinatorics is the theory of enumeration, where we look at elements of a set as options

rule of sum let be disjoint finite sets, then in other words, if the set had elements ( options) and had elements ( options) such that then there exist total options to pick from

if are finite sets such that , then

if a nest had 5 red eggs numbered 1-5 and 3 blue eggs numbered 1-3, how many options do we have if we wanted to pick a single egg? the answer is because the eggs differ

we use the rule of sum when we encounter the word or

rule of product if be finite sets, then in other words, if had elements and had elements, then there exist options to pick a pair from

let be finite sets such that

  1. if there exists a natural number such that then
  2. if there exists a natural number such that then

extended rule of sum let be disjoint finite sets, then

for every 2 finite sets ,

extended rule of product let be finite sets, then

for every 2 finite sets ,


this refers to selecting an option from a given set of options


we say the order of selection matters when the position of the option we pick in the given set of options has an affect on the total number of possible selections, conversely we say the order doesnt matter when it doesnt have such an affect

when the order doesnt matter, the permutations ABC and BCA of the letters A,B,C is considered the same permutation, because the order doesnt matter


whether the the process of selection allows selecting a specific item multiple times which means the result would be a multiset

euler's identity


a permutation of numbers is called a derangement if all numbers arent in their right positions

inclusion–exclusion principle helps find the number of permutations that arent derangements

pascal's rule

let such that , then:

pascal's triangle

using pascal's rule we can find a triangle called pascal's triangle which is a tool to find the binomial coefficients in an easy recursive way

  • the root of the triangle has the bionimal coefficient
  • in every row other than the first the leftmost node is a bionimal coefficient
  • the rightmost node is the bionimal coefficient
  • every other node in the triangle is the sum of both coefficients of row above it

let such that , then:

let such that , then: