im a cs student, this is my personal website, it may also serve as a journal or as a blog. im actually not really sure what it is yet.
not much can be found here, atleast not yet. i am still working on stitching everything together in a way that eases exporting the the documents that i write, be it for homework, selfstudy, random thoughts, or anything else. writing blk (emacs package) was a huge step towards achieving that goal, but im still working on it, i doubt I'll ever finish, but i've yet to atleast make the generation of this website fully automated and integrated into my workflow in a way that makes sense to me.
you may find broken links here and there, im fully aware of the dysfunctioning state of this webapp, this is a direct consequence of the ecosystem that i use being heavily customized and ever-changing, and so lots of things break very often.
another word of warning, i have an unfounded distaste for caps, i rarely write my sentences with proper capitalization. i also tend to not care about copyright infringement, life is too short for that, especially in my case. last, i should probably state that the design of this website (or any website, really.) doesnt concern me, i try to keep it minimal so as not to overwhelm a reader.

you may find information quoted from (mostly) books, webpages (e.g. wikipedia), or other blogs, i've tried to place citations whenever possible in my notes and i do manage a bibliography that i will (hopefully) make public eventually.