linear dependence


a set of vectors from a vector space is said to be linearly dependant if there exists a non-trivial (not all zeros) set of scalars , such that:

thus, a set of vectors is linearly dependent if and only if one of them is zero or a linear combination of the others.
each of the vectors in a linearly dependant set is linearly dependant on the set

a set of vectors is just a subset of a vector space while a sequence of vectors is a map (can also be written as a infinite tuple). A set does not care about ordering or enumerating elements multiple times in contrast to a sequence.

given latex_all('v_1=', v1, ',v_2=', v2, ',v_3=', v3) check whether these vectors are linearly dependant

we need to find such that , and the first combination that comes to mind is , so these vectors are linearly dependant

is a linearly dependant set if and only if

first we prove

being linearly dependant means there exists such that:

we multiply both sides of this equation by

second we prove

we need to find such that

and that can just be which would give us , therefore is linearly dependant