the need for an emacs-independent exporting of notes arose from the fact that i was using org version 9.7-pre in which exporting functionality is basically broken.
because i didnt want to reinvent the wheel, i landed on using pandoc, it has a huge community and i trust it to maintain org-mode parsability in the long run. there are some missing features in pandoc exporting which is why im writing this.
a starting point would be the following command:
pandoc --standalone --output outfile.html
custom css
if you have a css file that you'd like included, use the --css
pandoc\ --standalone\ --output outfile.html\ --css style.css
custom html preamble/postamble
or more generally, if you have an html file you'd like included in the header, use the --include-in-header
pandoc\ --standalone\ --output outfile.html\ --css style.css\ --include-in-header=header.html
if you have a bibliography file you want pandoc to use to handle citations, you can make use of the --bibliography
, --biblatex
, --citeproc
pandoc\ --standalone\ --include-in-header=header.html\ --output outfile.html\ --css style.css\ --bibliography=mybibfile.bib --biblatex --citeproc
latex rendering
pandoc supports multiple ways of handling latex snippets, it can use mathjax
with the --mathjax
argument, a better option for full latex support is rendering them with dvisvgm
, using this lua filter that makes use of pandoc's filter api, which is a modified version of
--- source: local system = require("pandoc.system") function appendDepthToSVGFile(depth, svgPath) local f =, "a") f:write(string.format("<!-- depth=%spt -->\n", depth)) f:close() end function NewLatexRender() return { preamble = [[ \usepackage{amsmath} \usepackage{amsfonts} \usepackage{amssymb} \usepackage[T2A,T1]{fontenc} \usepackage{colordvi} \usepackage[active,tightpage]{preview} ]], latexClass = "article", fontEncoding = "utf8", fontSize = 12, bgcolor = "#FFFFFF", latexPath = "latex", dvisvgmPath = "dvisvgm" } end function html2rgb(color) return '' end function wrapFormula(lr, latexFormula) local bgcolor = lr.bgcolor ~= "#FFFFFF" and string.format("\\background{%s}\n", html2rgb(lr.bgcolor)) or '' local tex = string.format([[\documentclass[%dpt]{%s} \usepackage[%s]{inputenc} %s \begin{document} %s \begin{preview} %s \end{preview} \end{document} ]], lr.fontSize, lr.latexClass, lr.fontEncoding, lr.preamble, bgcolor, latexFormula) -- io.write(string.format("tex: [[%s]]\n", tex)) return tex end function getDepth(out) local depth = string.match(out, "depth=(%d*%.?%d*)") return tonumber(depth) end function renderLatex(lr, latexFormula) local latexDocument = wrapFormula(lr, latexFormula) local currDir = system.get_working_directory() local svgFileName = pandoc.sha1(latexDocument) .. ".svg" local svgPath = currDir .. "/" .. svgFileName local f =, "r") if f ~= nil then local depth = getDepth(f:read("a")) f:close() --io.write(string.format("found SVG file=%s with depth=%spt\n", svgPath, depth)) return depth, svgFileName end -- SVG file does not exist local depth = system.with_temporary_directory("latexmath", function(tmpDir) return system.with_working_directory(tmpDir, function() io.write(string.format("changed directory to (%s)\n", tmpDir)) local tmpFile ="latexmath.tex", "w") tmpFile:write(latexDocument) tmpFile:close() local out = command(lr, svgPath) local depth = getDepth(out) if depth == nil then io.write(string.format("%s: depth not found\n", svgPath)) return nil end io.write(string.format("%s: depth=%spt\n", svgPath, depth)) appendDepthToSVGFile(depth, svgPath) return depth end) end) return depth, svgFileName end function command(lr, svgPath) pandoc.pipe(lr.latexPath, {"--interaction=nonstopmode", "latexmath.tex"}, '') -- local out = pandoc.pipe(lr.dvisvgmPath, {"--no-fonts", "-o", svgPath, "latexmath.dvi"}, '') local f = io.popen(lr.dvisvgmPath .. " --no-fonts -o \"" .. svgPath .. "\" latexmath.dvi 2>&1") local out = f:read("a") f:close() -- io.write(string.format("out: [[%s]]\n", out)) return out end function Math(elem) local latexFormula1 local latexFormula = elem.text if elem.mathtype == "InlineMath" then latexFormula1 = string.format("\\(%s\\)", latexFormula) else -- DisplayMath latexFormula1 = string.format("\\[%s\\]", latexFormula) end local lr = NewLatexRender() local depth, svgFileName = renderLatex(lr, latexFormula1) local attr = { alt = latexFormula } if depth ~= nil then attr["style"] = string.format("vertical-align:-%spt", depth) end -- io.write(string.format("%s\n", dump(attr))) return pandoc.Image('', svgFileName, '', attr) end function dump(o) if type(o) == 'table' then local s = '{ ' for k, v in pairs(o) do if type(k) ~= 'number' then k = '"' .. k .. '"' end s = s .. '[' .. k .. '] = ' .. dump(v) .. ',' end return s .. '} ' else return tostring(o) end end
assuming this script is written in a file tex.lua
, to use this filter, our command becomes:
pandoc\ --standalone\ --include-in-header=header.html\ --output outfile.html\ --css style.css\ --bibliography=mybibfile.bib --biblatex --citeproc\ --lua-filter tex.lua
internal links
consider the following org mode snippet:
#+name: my-def #+begin_definition we define a setto be any unordered collection of objects #+end_definition by [[my-def][this definition]], the object {1,2,3} is a set.
although pandoc does expectedly render the definition block as a div with class definition
, the link [[my-def][this definition]]
doesnt get rendered properly by pandoc, neither does the #+name
after some messing around, i found that pandoc does handle the attr_html
property of org blocks properly, e.g.
#+attr_html: :id my-def #+begin_definition we define a setto be any unordered collection of objects #+end_definition by [[my-def][this definition]], the object {1,2,3} is a set.
results in the definition div having the id my-def
, but we wouldnt want to modify our org files just to make them compatible with pandoc, instead we can do something "hacky" by modifying the stream before piping it into pandoc
sed 's/#+name:/#+attr_html: :id/' |\ pandoc --from org\ --to html5\ --standalone\ --include-in-header=header.html\ --output outfile.html\ --css style.css\ --bibliography=mybibfile.bib --biblatex --citeproc\ --lua-filter tex.lua
this way, the #+name
property of the block becomes the id
of its corresponding html block, but this still doesnt fix the link issue, since links get rendered as span
's and not proper links, to fix this we can use the following lua filter:
function Span(span) -- print(dump(elem)) if span.classes:includes 'spurious-link' then local content = span.content[1].content local target = return pandoc.Link(content, '#' .. target) end end
assuming this code is placed in the file internal_links.lua
, our shell command becomes:
sed 's/#+name:/#+attr_html: :id/' |\ pandoc --from org\ --to html5\ --standalone\ --include-in-header=header.html\ --output outfile.html\ --css style.css\ --bibliography=mybibfile.bib --biblatex --citeproc\ --lua-filter tex.lua\ --lua-filter internal_links.lua
org-roam links
pandoc on its own has no context of org-roam links, but org-roam stores everything it needs to operate in ~/.emacs.d/org-roam.db
, this file is automatically updated if the option org-roam-db-autosync-mode
is set to t
, this way other programs can be used to query information from org-roam without needing to visit the org files themselves.
based on this fact the following filter that is a modified version of is used:
#!/usr/bin/env python3.10 # source: import panflute as pf import sqlite3 import pathlib import sys import os import pprint import urllib ORG_ROAM_DB_PATH = "~/.emacs.d/org-roam.db" db = None def sanitize_link(elem, doc): if type(elem) != pf.Link: return None if not elem.url.startswith("id:"): return None file_id = elem.url.split(":")[1] cur = db.cursor() cur.execute(f"select id, file, title from nodes where id = '\"{file_id}\"';") data = cur.fetchone() # data contains string that are quoted, we need to remove the quotes file_id = data[0][1:-1] file_name = urllib.parse.quote(os.path.splitext(os.path.basename(data[1][1:-1]))[0]) elem.url = f"{file_name}.html" return elem def main(doc=None): return pf.run_filter(sanitize_link, doc=doc) if __name__ == "__main__": db = sqlite3.connect(os.path.expanduser(ORG_ROAM_DB_PATH)) main()
assuming the panflute
python package is installed globally, and that this snippet is placed in the file
, our exporting shell command becomes:
sed 's/#+name:/#+attr_html: :id/' |\ pandoc --from org\ --to html5\ --standalone\ --include-in-header=header.html\ --output outfile.html\ --css style.css\ --bibliography=mybibfile.bib --biblatex --citeproc\ --lua-filter tex.lua\ --lua-filter internal_links.lua\ --filter